Colic is the excessive and frequent crying of a baby who appears to be in good health. It’s not a disease, hungry, wet, tired, hot or cold, but inexplicably miserable – pediatricians call it colic means your Baby Got colic. This is a common problem that affects up to one in five babies. It starts around the age of 2 weeks if your child is old (or later if prematurely), Colic has 3 three types to know Infant Colic or Baby Colic, renal colic (caused by kidney stones) and biliary colic (caused by gallstones).
Symptoms Of Colic
The following symptoms will occur in an otherwise healthy and well-nourished baby Or your baby got colic:
- Intense cries: The child cries intensely and angrily, and parents cannot do much to comfort them. The baby’s face turns red and red. Screaming episodes usually happen every day at the same time – usually late afternoon or evening. Episodes can last from a few minutes to longer periods. Crying usually starts suddenly and for no apparent reason.
- Different intensities: In some infants, the symptoms are mild and the baby can only experience periods of agitation.
- Sleep can be irregular and interrupted by crying.
- Modified posture: Fists may be tight, abs tight, knees bowed and back arched
- Diet: The diet can be interrupted and irregular with intense screaming episodes. However, the amount the baby eats every day is not reduced.
- Wind: During intense crying episodes, the baby can let the wind through.
Causes of colic
The cause or causes of colic are unknown, but a number of theories have been suggested. These include indigestion, closed wind or a temporary sensitivity of the intestine to certain proteins and the sugars found in breast milk and formula. If your baby got colic, this may be due to the following reasons
- Hormones that cause stomach pain or a difficult mood
- A digestive system growing with muscles that often spasm
- Gas
- Hypersensitivity or overstimulation caused by light, sound, etc.
- Immature nervous system
- A low birth weight baby
- It has also been suggested that colic can only be at the very end of normal crying in babies.
- Colic also occurs in boys and girls, both in babies who are breastfed and those who are fed by the bottle.
Treatment if your Baby Got Colic
There is no proven cure for colic because there is no definite cause. Many treatments aim to reduce the intensity of crying and eliminate all the factors that could exacerbate it.
The following list is some of the common things that are used to soothe crying when your baby has colic;
- Colic drops are the baby formula for colic if your baby got colic or was crying (colic drops contain simethicone help the best for the relief of additional gas symptoms by swallowing the air or certain foods/infant formula, gas bubbles in the intestine
- Lactase Drops: Lactase is another baby formula for colic it’s an enzyme that breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. People with lactase deficiency in the gut may develop abdominal cramps and diarrhea after eating dairy products. Lactase helps prevent this.
- Probiotic Drops promote digestive health & support immune function. It may also help with occasional gas, diarrhea & constipation.
- Keeping your child is one of the most effective treatments. The more hours, even if they are not difficult, the less they are long at night.
- Put a bottle of warm water on your baby’s belly (make sure it’s not too hot).
- Breastfeeding mothers can reduce colic by ensuring that the baby gets each “that milk” good and not just “pre-milk” diet.
- Colic calm is a homeopathic remedy and is very effective if your baby got colic. Colic calm provides safe, gentle relief for discomfort from gas, stomach upset and colic. Colic Calm is the only gripe water that is an FDA-listed homeopathic medicine.
- Baby crabs may have an allergy or reaction to ingredients in their formula and may need to move on.
- Breastfeeding mothers may need to judge what they eat by keeping a food diary and crying.
- Place your baby’s belly on your lap as you gently move your legs to massage the abdominal area.
- Keep your baby standing as often as possible.
- Burp your baby often.
- Apart from these treatments, you can try home remedies if your baby got colic take a hot bath, fresh air, let the baby suck, make noise, create closeness.
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